Clean Prosperity

Posts by Clean Prosperity:

Alberta Pexels credit Samuel Butikofer

Second carbon contract is a positive step, broader program needed

Clean Prosperity Executive Director Michael Bernstein made the following statement about the carbon contract for difference announced today between the Canada Growth Fund, Gibson Energy Inc., and Varme Energy Inc.  “The deal announced today is another positive step in the rollout of carbon contracts for difference to de-risk big low-carbon investments,” said Bernstein. “That’s what

Federal government’s ERP update is commendable, though may be too optimistic

Clean Prosperity Director of Policy and Strategy Brendan Frank made the following statement about the federal government’s 2023 Progress Report on the 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan (ERP), released today: “The progress report on the federal government’s 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan is an important accountability tool to ensure that we’re making progress in decarbonizing the Canadian

Photo by Chris Liverani on Unsplash

New cap-and-trade system for oil and gas is not the right direction

Clean Prosperity Western Director Adam Sweet made the following statement about the federal government’s new emissions cap for the Canadian oil and gas sector, announced today: “The federal government’s decision to implement a cap-and-trade system solely for Canada’s oil and gas industry is the wrong policy. This approach creates uncertainty and regulatory complexity that risks