Ontario needs to reform electricity distribution to fill multibillion-dollar investment gap
New report recommends changes that expand options for municipal investment
New report recommends changes that expand options for municipal investment
The right policy mix can set Canadian industries up for success, even in the face of global decarbonization.
As countries fuse their economic, environmental and geopolitical objectives, there is a growing imperative to link trade and climate policies.
Alberta could miss out on billions of dollars in low-carbon investment if the province doesn’t fix a major problem with its carbon market, says a new report released today by Clean Prosperity. The Alberta carbon market is likely to face an oversupply of carbon credits before the end of the decade, which could further depress
Clean Prosperity's Nuclear for a Net-Zero Canada report offers solutions to the cost and policy uncertainty problems that are undermining nuclear's potential.
“Evaluation of carbon capture and storage potential in Canada,” a research report from Clean Prosperity’s Net-Zero Pathways for Canada project, examines the potential of CCUS technology to address emissions from Canada’s major industrial sectors.
New modelling shows Canada could miss out on up to 33 megatonnes of emissions reductions per year by 2030.
Pillars of Decarbonization, the second report from Clean Prosperity’s Net-Zero Pathways for Canada project, examines common findings across models of five distinct futures for Canada’s energy system, all of which lead to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
New economic modelling shows how to close incentive gaps with the US.
Gaps remain in incentives for technologies from carbon capture to hydrogen, with electricity a notable exception
A review of Canada’s anticipated emissions trajectory toward net-zero emissions based on modelling current climate policy.
Gaps remain in incentives for technologies from carbon capture to hydrogen, with electricity a notable exception