Build the low-carbon economy

Canadians need to agree on the basic policies that will drive investment
in the low-carbon economy, to create growth, jobs, and prosperity.
We find solutions and bring people together to make that happen.

Carbon markets

We believe robust carbon markets, underpinned by carbon pricing, are the most efficient way to drive low-carbon investment.

Conservative climate leadership

We work on climate policy that enables the private sector to take a leading role.

Low-carbon growth

Our goal is to ensure that Canada claims its share of the global low-carbon economy.

Net-zero planning

We're modelling pathways to achieving a net-zero Canadian economy by 2050.

Canada should protect a strategic asset for driving economic growth

Industrial carbon pricing incentivizes investment in Canadian industry


Clean Prosperity is a Canadian climate policy organization that advocates for pragmatic solutions to build the low-carbon economy.

About Us